About Us

King Street

What is a BIA? A Business Improvement Area or BIA is a defined georgraphic area, within which the property and business owners collectively develop, promote, and protect the commercial viability of that particular area. In Ontario, the BIAs are established through municipal by-law and are governed by the Province under The Municipal Act, 2001, Sub-sections 204-215.

Beautification & Promotion: The BIA’s Board of Management is comprised of local business and property owners who work together and, with support from the municipality, organize, finance and carry out visual improvements to municipally-owned assets and promote business and shopping within the BIA district.

How is the BIA funded? A BIA levy provides a secure source of funding for the beautification and promotional initiatives, and is funded through an additional tax levy paid exclusively by the members with their property taxes.

The Board of Management oversees the activities of the BIA and is elected annually by the members and approved by City Council. The Board is deemed to be an official Board of City Council. The area Ward Councillor is automatically appointed to the Board of Management by City Council.

Membership Eligibility:  Commercial property owners and their business tenants, located within the designated business improvement area, are automatically members of the Business Improvement Area.

Is your property located within the Downtown Dundas BIA Boundaries?  The Downtown Dundas BIA stretches along King Street West from Cross Street to Albert Street on the North side, and Grafton Square at Main Street to John Street on the South side.   Also included in the geographical area are the properties at 6 Cross Street, 12 Miller’s Lane, and 7 John Street.