Member Resources

We have all seen it, Graffiti everywhere! The Beautification committee was out last week taking

Graffiti on private buildings/ businesses is the responsibility of the building owner, however, anything on public property can be reported to the City of Hamilton for their team to address (garbage cans, planters, side-walks, mail boxes etc.)

·  Call Police (911) if you see graffiti in progress.

·  Contact the City to report existing graffiti at 905-546-2489 or report online using the Graffiti Form (click on the button below!)


Graffiti Removal Grant:

On Sept. 13, 2023, City Council approved temporary changes to the Commercial District Revitalization Grant Program to provide grants for removing graffiti on commercial and mixed-use commercial properties located within strategic commercial districts and corridors. This includes all BIAs.

Amount: The maximum Grant amount under this Program is paid on a matching basis (50%-50%) for eligible work. For maximum amounts and details, please refer to the full Program description.  

The portal to apply is now live and available from our Invest In Hamilton page:

You can also easily access the online application form from:

Please bookmark this page and share with your BIA memberships.


Non Emergency Reporting:

Police service (non emergency number)  905 628 0992 to make a report. 

They will give an incident number to refer to if it happens again. 


Community Board (King and Sydenha)

If you have a community notice or poster you would like to be put up, Dundas Community Services manages the community board located on the corner of Sydenham and King

Phone: 905-627-5461  

Email: [email protected]

Address: 2 King St W, Suite 3A, Dundas, ON L9H6Z1

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